Assisting with an innovative Bike Library pilot scheme

The Lowestoft East Point Rotary Club were pleased to assist the Phoenix St.Peter Academy with an innovative Bike Library pilot scheme for all year 5 and 6 pupils. The scheme has been driven forward by the school’s Deputy Head Teacher, Teresa Freeman.
The scheme involves Suffolk County Council, Scottish Power, Lowestoft East Point Rotary, Lowestoft Rising and Mandarin Cycles. The funding for the bikes was from Active Travel England‘s Capability and Ambition Fund topped up by Scottish Power Renewables.
On hearing about the potential scheme the Rotary Club of Lowestoft East Point offered, with the support of a Rotary District Grant, to fund the provision of new quality cycle helmets for all the pupils involved.
Lowestoft Rising provided cycle locks and ASDA, through their Community Support scheme, supplied the high viz vests.
The bikes were mainly supplied and serviced by Mandarin Cycles LTD
The scheme was launched on Lowestoft seafront with the pupils riding their new bikes along the promenade cycle track and around the Wellington Esplanade Gardens.
The parents or carers of each child have entered into a contract with the school to look after the bikes, helmets and locks, for their child to attend a Bikeability Training course and then to return the items to the school when their child progresses to high school.
Rotarians and their Partners fulfilled marshalling roles along the promenade during the launch event when the 40 children showed their enthusiasm for riding their bikes.
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